Please note, I do not offer an emergency service for those at immediate risk of harm..

If you are in urgent need of assistance in France:

Emergency numbers are: 112 across all of the European Union

15 SAMU for medical emergencies

17 Police

18 Pompiers (Firefighters, who are also, in France, paramedics)

If you are in crisis, I strongly recommend you make an appointment with your doctor and

for French speakers:

if you are in need of urgent mental health help to keep yourself safe, please contact 3114, the French national suicide prevention helpline. You can also contact Suicide Ecoute on 01 45 39 40 00 (24h/24, 7j/7) or

If you are a child/young person in danger, or know of a child/young person in danger, in France you can call 119

If you need psychiatric assistance, please contact your local Centre médico-psychologique (CMP) where consultations are fully covered by Sécurité Sociale.

If you need support with issues of domestic violence, you can call 3919, or find more information at, e.g. or report via instant messaging (with quick close option) at

for English speakers:

If you are in need of urgent mental health help, you can contact the English speaking SOS Helpline in France on 01 46 21 46 46 or

You can also find more information in English at or you can call the Samaritans on 00 44 8457 90 90 90

You can find out more about mental health services in France through the British Embassy

Urgent help in France